February 14, 2011

Concert or bust!

How far would you travel for a concert?  What if I told you it's a rock-n-roll concert next to the Sea of Cortez in Mexico and the weekend consisted of beach soccer tourneys at the resort, swim-up bars, fireworks, sunshine and lots of American fans?

I know what I'd say ... "Count me in!"  I don't know the band, but that doesn't even matter, Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers have a fun sound and prove to please crowds every year at Circus Mexicus.  According to a friend who's been there multiple times, we'll fly into Tucson, rent a car and 4-hour road trip it to Puerto Peñasco, Mexico (AKA Rocky Point), on the Pacific side of Mexico.

Nice way to spend a long weekend, don'tcha think?

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