May 19, 2010

Bikini Found .. x2!

I thought it was hopeless.  Would I never find a bikini I love as much as my little black bandeau?  Was I doomed to roam the beach forever in a morbid shade of noir?  OK ... a little dramatic, but still!  My time left before taking to the skies for Maui were dwindling, along with my motivation and optimistic shopping attitude, when I found myself in the sale racks at none-other than my bff, Target.

There they were -- bright, bold colors and funky bikini styles calling out my name.  "Try me! Try me!"  I couldn't resist.  Since they actually had all the right sizes, I felt the need to proceed to the dressing room. 

Aloha good fit!  I found myself actually enjoying the image staring back at me.  Green happens to pull just the right hue from my sunkissed skin to make me look even tanner.  I was in luck!  Struggling to choose between a plain aqua blue/green twist bandeau and a slightly dimmer shade of green with gold sparkle designed bandeau, I chose to splurge and get both, for a grand total off ... drumroll please ... $60! 

I'm not kidding.  After months of searching the racks ... Yesssss!  Two perfect new bikinis called out to me and I answered ... "Yes, you may accompany me to Hawaii, thank ya very much!"

May 11, 2010


I woke up this morning with a crazy little feeling.  Picture your first kiss ... the anticipation ... the build-up ... the anxiety ... the butterflies in your stomach.  It's finally starting to hit me .... I-am-going-to-Hawaii!!!

Ever since my childhood friends vacationed on the islands and returned with my very own authentic grass skirt and shell necklace souvenirs, I've dreamt of going for myself.  That's almost 3/4 of my life spent imagining what it's like to land on Maui.  Flying over the Pacific to the middle of the open sea, you're halfway to Japan out there!  Of course, I've seen pictures, watched movies and specials on TV, but I'm willing to bet that nothing is like quite seeing it in person.

This will be my first true island adventure vacation where I'll comb the beaches, drive the tricky offroads, gaze at waterfalls, climb volcanos, hike the palm forests and breathe in the Hawaiian breezes.  Maybe I'll even eat a pineapple or 2 ... or 7.   Spending a week, living like the locals do.  I simply can't wait!

For now, it's time to do some research and plan out a few specific day trips and activities.  I sense some sunrises, great beaches, historic towns and great wineries in my future.  But the rest will simply be filled with relaxation time on the beach with my man.  Aloha!