January 9, 2011

Finally, Nashville, TN is on the List

A runner I have never claimed myself to be. Swimmer? Sure. Dancer? Oh yeah. A Country Music fan? Yup! But a runner? I wish. Nevertheless, I couldn't pass up an opportunity to cross off a travel wishlist city of mine -- Nashville, Tennessee -- for this gigantic annual sports event.

The Country Music Marathon & 1/2 is coming up this spring and several of my friends are geeked up to run (or at least attempt to run most) of it. I'll be there with my camera and a sign, cheering for them along the sidelines.

Whenever a long-weekend trip comes up, the question is always whether to fly or drive. Should we use the airline miles we've worked so hard to obtain, or save them for a longer, pricier trip? I typically choose the latter, since I'm usually not the driver anyway. And in this case, after researching our flight options, it would in fact, be cheaper and more efficient to drive to the great country capital. We'll carpool with a friend and bunk up for the weekend, exploring every curve of the city and hidden restaurant and pub gem we can find.

Following my own past advice, I'll take the next few weeks to delve into some Nashville tourism sites and tip guides to compile a list of maybes to accomplish while we're in town. That's the fun part! The open-ended realm of possibilities your maybe list presents is the most exciting part of a trip, save the simple idea of skipping work for a couple days. That's also glorious. Everyone needs a breather now and then to remind them that there's a life outside of your cubical. Cubical smubical. Vacation is truly on the horizon now.

Now I've got some research to do.