December 14, 2010

SniqueAway, yes please!

I love me a great deal, don't you? Here's a *Hot* new site to check out if you're planning a spontaneous getaway.  SniqueAway :: 

A sister site of TripAdvisor, if you sign up for a free membership, you'll be sent updates for stunning escapes at a fraction of the price -- up to 50% off!  If you act quickly (you have to since the deals only last up to a week unless they sell out quicker!), you can find some pretty wicked deals at some pretty awesome places. 

Destinations like the British Virgin Islands, NYC, Playa Mujeres, Arizona, Chicago and England to name a few, top the list this week.

These resorts are breathtaking! 
Check it out!

While you're exploring, follow me on Twitter too!

December 13, 2010

If You Could Turn Back Time

Promoted trending Twitter topics are usually pretty lame; however, a phrase this week was #IfIHadSuperPowers  ... well, now that's interesting.  I'm sure I'd choose flight, time travel, world peace, super strength, go-go gadget arms or something just like everyone else, but in my allotted Tweet space today, I went with:

@StacieKimberly :: "I'd teleport myself all over the world, #travel through time & live lavishly like a local at every location #IfIHadSuperPowers"

The destination options are endless!  If you could turn back time, Where/When would you go?

Recent "The player who left" mumbo jumbo has triggered a multitude of letters to the editor, bloggeriffic bursts of positive & mostly negative feedback, news coverage galore and trips down memory lane -- back to times when Cleveland wasn't just a "shell of a city" outsiders see -- back to a time when our teams were winning teams and our economy was booming.

My first stop?  I'd go to there.

Let's make it a simple trip to Cleveland in the 1940s during the Big Band era, when the Browns were title-winners and before the Cuyahoga River caught on fire.  You might say this was one of the town's most intriguing periods in history ... booming arts, theater, employment, invention and nightlife.  I'd trip myself there, donning a luxurious gown, flirty curls and a curvy silhouette.  I'd roam The Flats in kitten heels, draping a faux fur shawl over my shoulders in the evening, perhaps even see a show at PlayhouseSquare.

Next would be France in the 1950s circa Audrey Hepburn in Sabrina.  An apartment overlooking a courtyard, glowing fountain and 4-piece ensemble playing La Vie en Rose would be absolute heaven.  I'd prop open the French doors to the terrace, lean way back in a wooden rocker and dream up plot lines for my novel.  I'd take an evening stroll in my skinny black pants and ballerina flats, just as the street lamps would start to flicker, take a cooking class, and maybe even chop my hair to a pixie, just cuz.  What a life ... maybe I'd never leave!

Since I'm already on the continent, I might as well trip my superself to England to hang with the Boleyn sisters and Queen Katherine's court in the 1510s.  What a sight it would be to gaze at the countryside in all its untouched glory, don the yards upon yards of luxurious fabrics and rub elbows with royalty.  I'd live through the flirting, hunting, conniving plots, scheming and corruption, then simply blink my way back home to modern conveniences.

Next, a New York City speakeasy during 1920s prohibition era in the summertime.  Why?  Because I can.  21 Club  on West 52nd Street was raided often by police, but the system levers to sweep the bottles and series of underground wine cellars, helped these bootleggers to never get caught.  The owners were legends at the time, often changing the bar name and rewarding regulars with souvenir scarves.  I'd go to there with a short bob, feather boa, embroidered dress and costume jewelry.  Why not?

After exploring opposing fashion trends, ways of life and blacks and whites, I'll need a vacation.  With my superpowers, I'd do a few super workouts until my body was in perfect beach shape. I know what resort beaches are like today, so I'd trip myself somewhere slightly different but still familiar enough to know what's what -- a California party beach circa 1988.  Sand volleyball, high-cut one-pieces, surfing and sunshine.  I'd be an extra in an episode of Baywatch, go to a Beach Boys concert and host a beach party at Malibu Sands Beach Club.  Could crazy big hair and fluorescent swimwear be so terrible? Nah.  I'd check out the sunrise, then magically appear at my next location.

The travel options are endless!  Where/When would you go?  What time period has always intrigued you?